Air Conditioning Repair

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AC Repair In Ocala, FL

Having a functional, efficient air conditioning system is essential to keeping your home and business comfortable in Florida. Without a working air conditioning system, homes and businesses in Florida can quickly become unbearably hot and humid, posing health risks to their occupants. Elevated indoor temperatures can lead to mold growth, food spoilage, and even an increase in airborne allergens, which can trigger breathing problems and asthma attacks in residents.

Here at Cook’s Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists, we understand the importance of maintaining a cool and comfortable indoor environment. Accordingly, our AC repair company offers a wide range of services designed to keep your air conditioning system working and protect your family from the sweltering Florida heat. Our technicians are able to diagnose and fix common problems seen in all name-brand air conditioning units.

Don’t let air conditioning problems leave you sweating. Contact Cook’s Air Conditioning & Heating Specialists today to request a free estimate or to schedule AC repairs in Ocala!

Technician performing a repair

Common Air Conditioner Issues

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks in your air conditioning systems can lead to inefficient cooling and higher energy bills. In addition to damaging your AC system, refrigerant leaks can be dangerous and should always be handled by an AC repair professional. Our licensed technicians can identify any leaks or other issues related to your unit’s refrigerant, repair those issues, and get your air conditioning system back up and running!

Frozen Coils

Frozen AC coils are a common problem that can result from low refrigerant levels, restricted airflow, or mechanical issues. Your air conditioning unit may be suffering from frozen coils if it runs but does not blow out cool air or if you notice condensation or moisture around it. Please do not hesitate to contact our contractors if any of these issues sound familiar to you. Our team can unthaw your coils and prevent this issue from recurring.

Loose Parts

Strange AC noises, including banging and clanking, mean that it is time to schedule air conditioning repair services. These strange sounds could be a sign that an internal component of your air conditioning unit, such as its belt, is misaligned or loose, which can damage your AC system. Luckily, our contractors can locate the reason for your loud AC unit and secure the loose part. Contact us today if you suspect your air conditioning system has loose parts.

Dirty Air Filters

Dirty air filters can restrict air flow, reduce your AC system’s efficiency, and even lead to poor indoor air quality. As part of routine maintenance, our technicians will assess your system’s filters, replace them as needed, and ensure that your air conditioning system is operating at peak efficiency. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule air conditioner repair!

Emergency AC Repairs

Loud Banging

A loud banging noise coming from your air conditioner could indicate a problem with your compressor. As it ages, wears down, or becomes loose, a compressor can create knocking sounds as it moves around inside of your air conditioner.

Burning Odors

If you smell a burning or smoky odor, contact a technician as soon as possible. Your blower motor may be damaged and your air conditioner may pose a significant fire risk.

Unresponsive Thermostat

Without a properly connected thermostat, your air conditioner will not be able to keep your home at your preferred temperature. In this case, check your thermostat’s battery first. If the battery is not dead, you may have an electrical connectivity issue on your hands.

AC Repair FAQs

When Should I Replace My Air Filters?

Air filters should be replaced every three months. However, for homeowners with pets or seasonal allergies, air filters may need to be replaced more frequently.

How Do I Know Whether To Repair Or Replace An Air Conditioner?

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace an AC unit. One factor is the age of your air conditioner. With proper maintenance, the average lifespan of an AC unit is between 15 and 20 years. If your air conditioner is over 10 years old, then it may be time to schedule AC replacement.
You should also take into consideration how frequently you schedule air conditioning repairs. If the cost of repairs outweighs the cost of a new unit, it may be wiser to simply invest in a new AC system.

How Often Should I Schedule AC Service?

Air conditioner maintenance should be scheduled annually. At least once per year, our technicians will perform a thorough inspection of your air conditioning system to check for dirty condenser coils, low refrigerant levels, or clogged air filters. This examination allows us to spot potential issues early on, before they become a major concern.

What Does Short Cycling Mean?

When an air conditioner constantly turns on and off, this is referred to as short cycling. Over time, this frequent switching can place strain on your unit and reduce its overall lifespan.

Signs Your AC Needs Repaired

1) You Have High Utility Bills

Air conditioner issues, when left unchecked, can greatly increase energy consumption and place strain on your unit. This reduced efficiency can show up on your monthly utility bill as excessive charges. Start saving money today with air conditioner repairs!

2) Your AC Is Blowing Warm Air

A well-functioning air conditioner keeps your family cool and comfortable, even during the hot summer months. If your AC unit is instead circulating warm air throughout your home, our technicians can quickly remedy this problem.

When contaminants accumulate on an air filter, this can force an air conditioner to work harder and less efficiently, resulting in warmer air than usual. Our team will closely inspect your system’s air filters for a build up of dust, pet dander, and pollutants. We will replace this filter if needed, giving you and your family back the cold, refreshing air you deserve.

3) Your AC Is Leaking

Spot moisture in or around your air conditioning system? You may have a refrigerant leak. In this case, you should shut off your AC unit and contact a technician immediately. Older AC units can contain Freon—a poisonous refrigerant gas that can pose a serious health hazard. By hiring an AC specialist to perform repairs, you can avoid putting you and your family at risk.

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